Thursday, September 18, 2008

goodbye pool days

We celebrated the end of summer and the last day at the pool this week. And started a new tradition...all moms must jump in the pool on the last day! We really threw our kids for a loop, they all thought we couldn't swim. Ellie was in tears because she thought I was drowning when I dove in. Of course, we had to have mommy olympics...with JB winning the 10m freestyle, and yours truly winning the "swimming the farthest under water with one breath". And let me just was worth chlorine in the hair, braving the world in a swimsuit without cover-up, and smeared make-up. Thanks, friends, for a great memory!

3 comments: said...

What, no relays? Michael Phelps would want some relays.

.:meagan.rae:. said...

Aaaww that's a cute tradition. You moms are amazing :)

Shana said...

How fun! I laughed out loud when I read Ellie thought you were drowning! :)