Because I'm sure you've been wondering what the Lee's have been up to all summer, here ya go:
Our church's youth camp...included such adventures as Ellie's first tubing ride on the lake (which she LOVED) and her first emergency visit to the local clinic (head injury from falling off the top bunk bed in the middle of the night...ended up being more of a traumatic experience for mom than it was for her).

Lots of birthday parties and playdates, including cousin Jon's Ninja Birthday Party, and friend Eden's Princess Party, with a special appearance by REAL Princesses! (or at least REALLY pretty girls dressed in pink prom dresses like princesses:)

And fun times spent outdoors with all the family and friends we love & adore...
Ellie & Jackson in Buhl...

Be sure to stay tuned for more summer adventures from the Lee's including kids camp, pool days, family vacation, Ellie's first day of Kindergarten, birthdays, and camping trips!!